Canterbury Regional Forum - November 2024

8:30 AM
10:30 AM

Cashmere Club, 50 Colombo St, Cashmere, Christchurch Canterbury

Regional Forums

Our quarterly meeting for members to keep up to date with the latest events happening in the compliance regime.

We welcome our guest speaker Wayne Shields from Hydroflow who's presentation will cover backflow, including different device types, correct installation procedures and their importance, as well as the effects of pressure volume, and flow losses across various valve types, along with additional considerations relevant to backflow prevention.

We look forward to seeing you there in person, or joining us online.

Speaker: Wayne Shields

Topic: Backflow devices on Sprinkler Systems. This session will cover choosing the correct device and the correct installation method for Backflow prevention devices on Fire sprinkler systems. Also the reasons why this is important.

Sessions for this event