The Inside Word - August 2023
A Word from the Chair
Kia ora koutou,
Well, we are a few days off the back of our annual Conference and I must say we are all still buzzing at it’s success! This year’s conference, Setting the Standard for the Future was held at the Holiday Inn Auckland Airport which was an amazing venue with great facilities for us. We’ve had amazing feedback in the few short days post conference and I am so incredibly proud of everyone who participated and pulled it together. In addition to our conference, we were also able to celebrate the Associations Silver Jubilee (25 Years) at our conference dinner, so cake was on the dessert menu that night! Again, I’d like to thank all our conference sponsors, partners, key stakeholders, exhibitors, guest speakers and delegates. You all made the conference a vibrant place to be, and we all learnt so much. My highlight from the two days would have to be our guest speaker Vivian Naylor from CCS Disability Action who drove home the importance around persons with disabilities and the issues they face. We can make a difference to their world and we must not forget them in our designs and recommendations for improvements to building owners. Next year’s conference has been announced and will be in Nelson. You will not want to miss this one!
Our quorum was met for our annual AGM, also held at the conference, and we welcomed two new members to the Committee: Steve Bailey from FFP Canterbury Ltd and Nick Crowe from Argest replacing Malcolm Christie, Argest. We sincerely thank Malcolm for his contributions to the Association since his appointment.
Next on our agenda for the Committee will be to hold a conference debrief and begin putting together ideas for next year, planning for the upcoming forums, training, and workshops.
Thank you all for your continued support!
Nga mihi nui,
Laura Williams
What's happening in Training?
Our next round of training will begin in September and our courses are already starting to fill up. We have a new practical training workshop for Backflow testing. Our trainer Glen Burr has taken it up a level by building a testing trailer to take with him to the workshops. He will do his regular IQP refresher workshop in the morning and in the afternoon Glen will run a practical inspection/testing workshop in the afternoon.
So take a look below at our offerings for September and book now to secure your place.
5 September - Palmerston North - Backflow Prevention IQP refresher morning
- Backflow Inspection/Testing Practical afternoon
6 September - Wellington - Backflow Prevention IQP refresher morning
- Backflow Inspection/Testing Practical afternoon
8 September - Nelson - Backflow Prevention IQP refresher morning
- Backflow Inspection/Testing Practical afternoon
20 September - Online - Means of Escape to a Final Exit morning
- SS4 Emergency Lighting afternoon
21 September - Nelson - HVAC and Smoke Control - requirements for SS5, SS9, SS11 and SS13
28 September - Nelson - SS15/3 & SS15/5 Fire and Smoke Separations - Passive Fire Protection
For a list of all courses throughout the year and a detail description of them, please visit our website via the link below.
Workshops/Seminars » Association of Building Compliance (abciqp.org.nz)
Regional Forums
I am pleased to announce that we have our next regional forums in August. Please come along to find out what is happening in our industry and any updates from councils. You must register to attend these forums. More details and venue locations are on our website, click here to see more and to register, its free for members to attend. We look forward to seeing you all there.
Christchurch - live online too Date: Wednesday 16th August 2023 Time: 8.30am - 10.30am Venue: Cashmere Club, 50 Colombo St, Cashmere, Christchurch Speakers: Jeff Lee from Commercial Doors and John Phillips from PBSL speaking on SS3.1 and SS3.2
Nelson - live online too Date: Thursday 17 August 2023 Time: 8.00am - 10.00am Venue: WSP Offices, 77 Selwyn Place, Nelson Speaker: TBC
Auckland - live online too Date: Tuesday 22 August 2023 Time: 7.30am - 9.30am Venue: Royal Oak Bowls, 146 Selwyn Street, Onehunga, Auckland Speaker: Navin Jayasinghe, Auckland Council speaking on their new B-RaD and S-RaD process
Palmerston North - live online too Date: Wednesday 23 August 2023 Time: 8.00am - 9.30am Venue: Palmerston North Fire Station, 50 Cook Street, Palmerston North Speaker: Roddy Crowley from EziCheq who will be discussing consistancy and standardisation of IQP checks
Wellington - live online too Date: Thursday 24 August 2023 Time: 8.00am - 10.00am Venue: The Open Polytechnic, 3 Cleary St, Waterloo, Lower Hutt Speaker: Troy Bignold who will be discussing SS3.1 and SS3.2 and the process of getting unconsented Access Doors approved.
BOP/Waikato Date: Wednesday 13 September 2023 Time: 8.00am - 10.00am Venue: 177 Elizabeth Street, Tauranga 3110 -Tauranga Art and Craft Centre Speaker: TBC |
Conference 2023
Those people that attended the conference should of received an email with links to the PDF's of the presentations, links to the videos of each session and the survey. Please email Rachael at admin@abciqp.org.nz if you haven't received it.
Don't forget, next year's Conference 2024 will be in Nelson on the 31st July and 1 August 2024. We look forward to seeing you all there.
Welcome to our New Members
We always pleased to see the continued growth of our association. As such, we would also like to welcome the following new members who have joined us since 1 July 2023.
Deepak Shah - Auckland City Council
Craig McFarlane - Waitemata District Health Board
Ivan Blom, Brent Stieller, Tara Butler, Greg Prinsloo and Carlene Hill - South Taranaki District Council
Keryn Reddish, Julie deBeer, Michelle MacFayden, Tony Wright, Markus Grozdanovski, and JP Potgieter - Goodman Property Services (NZ) Ltd
Thank you to the support from Partners
Diamond Partners
Gold Partner Silver Partner