A Word from the Chair
Kia ora koutou,
Welcome to our newest members! This is our last newsletter of the year.
As I reflect on the year that has been I am incredibly proud of where the Association is at and the growth it has had in the last 12 months. We have met a number of our goals and exceeded our own expectations in many areas such as the membership growth, members portal and new website, annual conference and the amount of training we are now providing our members. This has been no easy feat however with a great team and your active participation we have been able to achieve a lot.
The Management Committee have met for our final in person meeting of the year. We discussed and made important decisions around the activities and operations of the ABC for the benefit of our members as well as a bit of work on next year’s Conference in Nelson. I’d like to thank the Committee and their Companies for your amazing contributions. Thank you to our incredible employees, CEO Trent Fearnley, Business & Admin Manager Rachael Chandler and Kim Mort, Admin Support. Our team grind away every day to make our Association the best it can be. Check out some of the photos of our team in action!
In industry news, there has been no further information on the proposed changes to legislation however as Chair I was interviewed by Safeguard magazine regarding our view of the proposed changes to the BWOF regime and IQP fines. If you are not subscribed to Safeguard magazine you can see a small snippet on my LinkedIn page.
A fundamental change that we would like implemented into any new legislation would be that all Compliance Schedules have attached to it a copy of the most recent Fire Report. This is not the silver bullet however it would remove so much guess work for the majority of us. IQPs, BWOF Agents and even Property Managers for that matter should not have to pay for such a crucial document via a Property File.
Last but not least, thank you to our Partners, Sponsors for our events, and Members for your attendance and your continued support of this Association. May your 2024 be prosperous and you enjoy a restful Christmas Holiday wherever you may be. We look forward to seeing you in the New Year!
Nga mihi nui,
Laura Williams
A Word from the CEO
Kia ora koutou,
This has been a huge year for our Association and one of growth, both in training and membership. We have also had an increase in staff with Rachael coming on board in April and recently Kim in a part-time role (I am sure by this time next year she will be full-time). Rachael has been a very valuable addition to our Association and it is through her hard work and dedication that we have grown so much. I personally couldn't do without her, so thank you Rachael for all your hard work. Thank you also to Kim who has come on board to support Rachael and I and she has hit the ground running.
I would also like to thank our trainers for delivering quality courses throughout the year and sharing their expert knowledge, Ron Green, Glen Burr, Prashant Patel and Raewyn Kinnis. A shout out also goes to Charlie Loughnan who continues to provide great insights to members through our forum and sharing his vast knowledge to help everyone come to grips with all the changes in compliance.
A special mention goes to Prashant, our newest trainer. Prashant developed the HVAC and Smoke Control course and a delivered it so well. He grew quickly into his role and provided some valuable experiences that we all learnt from. Thank you Prashant and I look forward to your new course next year.
The Association will be closed from the 21 December and will be open again on 8th January 2024. I wish you all a Meri Kirihimete me ngā mihi o Tau Hou, Merry Christmas and a happy New Year.
Nga mihi,
Trent Fearnley
ABC Conference 2024 - 31 July - 1st August, Nelson
The Call for Papers is out now!!! If you have a topic along the lines of our conference theme, new technology in the compliance space or case study that you think our members will benefit from then we would like to hear from you. Please click here to download the Call for Speakers form and details.
Our Conference Exhibition Brochure is out now too. We thank all our Conference 2023 Exhibitors and hope you join us again in Nelson. If you have a product, service or initiative that you would like to showcase at our Conference 2024 then please click here to download our conference brochure for more details. If you are interested in one of many sponsorship opportunities, then download the Exhibitors Brochure for more information on our wide range of opportunities.
We are very excited that our Annual Conference and AGM will be in Nelson next year. Planning is well underway and progressing well. We look forward to seeing many of you there next year in the sunny Nelson!!!!
P.S. Why not extend your stay and enjoy some of the great offering Nelson has to offer....perhaps a winery or two, a fishing or cycling adventure or visit the famous Te Waikoropupū Springs.
Helpful tips
Signage Tips for SS14/2:
Fire Door Signage – The NZBC F8 states fire doors shall have a sign fixed to both sides of the door leaf adjacent to the handle or push plate.
Lift Signage – The NZBC F8 states lifts shall have a sign “In the event of fire use the stairs” and this shall be safety red on a white background.
Sprinklered Buildings used for Storage – Warning signs shall be provided to indicate the maximum height at which goods may be stacked as per the building consent.
Do you know when the BWOF falls due?
Too often IQP's rely on being told by the BWOF Agent as to when a BWOF is expiring before providing their Form 12A Certificate. As an IQP you should be providing your Form 12A to the owner/your client and/or their BWOF Agent before the expiration of the BWOF and it should be automatic unless there are issues.
Using the excuse that you were never asked, asked too late or didn't know is not acceptable as an IQP of a Specified System.
Whats happening in Training?
We have finished training for this year. It was a busy year for us, and we thank all those people that attended our courses, we hope you got a lot out of them. We look forward to next year with the introduction of a few new courses. So keep checking out our website as we will be putting up all the course date for the year by Christmas.
If there is a course which you don't see on our website that you want, then please contact us to see what we can do for you.
For a list of all courses throughout the year and a detail description of them, please visit our website via the link below.
Workshops/Seminars » Association of Building Compliance (abciqp.org.nz)
Regional Forums
We had another great round of Regional Forums in November, and we would like to give a big thank you to Charlie Loughnan for his presentation on B-RaDs and S-RaDs. That presentation, I feel, answered many questions that people had around the missed inspections and what is acceptable and what is not acceptable.
We would also like to thank all those members and non-members who attended these forums throughout the year both in person and online. They are a great opportunity to keep up to date with what is happening around the motu/country. For those that missed them or would like to see the presentations, we have a new Members only section on our website. The presentations and some of the videos of the forum will be posted there by Christmas for you to view.
We look for to seeing you all again in February for the first forums of the year. The dates will be posted this week for the entire year, please don't forget to register - its free! (This allows us to easily update your CPD record on your profile - check it out)
Check out some photos of our forums this year.
February Forum dates
BOP/Waikato - in person and streaming live
Date: TBC
Time: 8.00am - 10.00am
Venue: 177 Elizabeth Street, Tauranga 3110 -Tauranga Art and Craft Centre
Speaker: TBC
Christchurch - in person and streaming live
Date: Wednesday 14 February 2024
Time: 8.30am - 10.30am
Venue: Cashmere Club, 50 Colombo St, Cashmere, Christchurch
Speakers: TBC
Nelson - in person and streaming live
Date: Thursday 15 February 2024
Time: 8.00am - 10.00am
Venue: WSP Offices, 77 Selwyn Place, Nelson
Speaker: TBC
Whangarei - in person and streaming live
Date: Friday 16 February 2024
Time: 8.00am - 10.00am
Venue: TBC
Speaker: TBC
Auckland - in person and streaming live
Date: Tuesday 20 February 2024
Time: 7.30am - 9.30am
Venue: Royal Oak Bowls, 146 Selwyn Street, Onehunga, Auckland
Speaker: TBC
Palmerston North - in person and streaming live
Date: Wednesday 21 February 2024
Time: 8.00am - 9.30am
Venue: Palmerston North Fire Station, 50 Cook Street, Palmerston North
Speaker: TBC
Wellington - in person and streaming live
Date: Thursday 22 February 2024
Time: 8.00am - 10.00am
Venue: The Open Polytechnic, 3 Cleary St, Waterloo, Lower Hutt
Speaker: TBC

Christine Scammell opening the Wellington Forum

Darrell Nichol presenting at the Wellington Forum

Charlie Loughnan presenting at the Canterbury Forum

Great turnout at the Canterbury Forum
Welcome to our new members
We always pleased to see the continued growth of our association. As such, we would also like to welcome the following new members who have joined us since our last newsletter.
Edmond Air |
Rynhardt Visser |
Heatwave Maintenance Ltd |
Grant Price |
IT Plumbing and Heating Ltd |
Ian Thomas |
Qualifire |
Stephen Whimster, Benjamin Coleman |
Chillex Services Ltd |
Milan Patel, Justin Willis, James McCormack, Trent English |
Elevation Survey and Design |
Shawn Lawson |
Citycare Property |
Bianca Channon, Maureen Dial, Kirsti Cowan, Angela Yannakis, Vishal, Chandra, Krishneel Kumar, Peter Wade |
Envirosafe Refrigeration and Airconditioning |
Rob Gardner |
Wellington City Council |
Patrick Gillion |
Evolve Fire Protection Ltd |
Glenn Millar, Dennis Taylor |
M&D Snapes |
Toby Snapes |
Kiwi Security NZ Ltd |
Nikhil Yanala |
Alarm Maintenance Services |
Mike Gray |
Tansley Electrical |
Winston Woodford, Lyn Letica, Michael Johnston |
Thank you to our Partners
Diamond Partners
Gold Partner Silver Partner