Membership Types


The Association has several membership types catering for various sizes and levels of organisations within the industry.



Company or Organisation who wants to join 3 or more people and participates in the building industry or who has an interest in the industry and is approved by the Committee.


  • Three nominated members from the same organisation with the ability to exchange current paid up members with new staff as and when required.
  • Additional individuals are able added.
  • Free attendance at ABC Regional Forums (includes CPD hours on your personal CPD profile)
  • Member discounts on Training courses (including CPD hours on your personal CPD profile)
  • Member Directory Listing
  • Membership Certificate
  • Every member has voting rights
  • Management Committee Nomination
  • Monthly newsletters


  • Provides the ability for additional paid-up members to the Corporate membership.
  • Additional Members have voting rights


Best suited to:

Company or Organisation who wants to join 1 or 2 people and participates in the building industry or who has an interest in the industry and is approved by the Committee.

Membership benefits:

  • Maximum of two nominated members nationwide from the same organisation with the ability to exchange current paid up members with new staff as and when required.
  • Free attendance at ABC Regional Forums (includes CPD hours on your personal CPD profile)
  • Member discounts on training courses (includes CPD hours on your personal CPD profile)
  • Member Directory Listing
  • A maximum of 2 people with voting rights
  • Management Committee Nomination
  • Monthly newsletters



This is for:

  • Councils or Government departments whose staff are involved in Building Compliance.

Membership benefits:

  • Complementary attendance at ABC regional forums (includes CPD hours on your personal CPD profile)
  • Member pricing on Training (includes CPD hours on your personal CPD profile)
  • Membership Certificate
  • Monthly newsletters
  • Affiliate members do not have voting rights



A person who participates in the building industry but does not wish to join through the company they work for and is approved by the Committee.

  • Maximum of one nominated member
  • Complementary attendance at ABC Regional Forums (includes CPD hours on your personal CPD profile)
  • Member discounts on training courses (includes CPD hours on your personal CPD profile)
  • Voting rights
  • Management Committee Nomination
  • Monthly newsletters

 Membership Summary Table