ABC provided a detailed formal submission to the Select Committee for Building (Earthquake-prone Building Deadlines and Other Matters) Amendment Bill - New Zealand Parliament (

Unfortunately, we were almost late to submit because the email sent out for people to ask for submissions was titled "Earthquake-prone building system review extends deadlines for remediation". Who knew that it included IQP Offences. Luckily it was brought to our attention in the recent round of forums. You can view our submission here.

The video of the submission on day including one by our CEO Trent Fearnley can be viewed here

This submission has already been followed up with by the Select Committe with one of the committee members, Hon Arena Williams, Labour Party spokesperson on Building and Construction requesting a meeting with us. We had that meeting on Tuesday 3 September. This was a great session with Arena in which we provided her with some more in-depth information and hopefully a pathway forward for our industry. We will continue to push for a better outcome for all.